The Union of Sovereign Soviet Republics (USSR) (Russian: Союз Суверенных Советских Республик, СССР (Soyuz Suverennykh Sovetskikh Respublik, SSSR); also known as Neo-Sov or Neo-Soviets) is an energy and military superpower in the 21st century, as well as an ally of the European Economic Community. The USSR consists of 15 member states: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia (see Kyrgyzstan), Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Moldovia.

Current Situation

SovOil owns much of the countryside, in the rural areas (especially in Siberia), they are the only real power. Its moles work in both the syndicates and government. The reality is if SovOil wanted to take full control it could do so easily but has chosen not to do so.

In the cities, there are three powers; SovOil, the Russian Mafia (the Organitskaya), and the State. Since the 1990s, because of the emergency decrees passed and still in effect, the president is able to make his own laws without the approval of the parliament if he desires. Bolstering his power is the Russian military service (GRU) which has become the KGB's successor. Many of the old KGB agents were reinstated into the GRU (or the Interior Ministry). The GRU is an organization that is as brutal as the KGB had been.